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ShowAlpha(clip clip [, string pixel_type ] )

Returns the alpha channel of an RGB32 clip as greyscale.

string  pixel_type = "RGB32"
Sets the color format of the output.
Allowed pixel_types are RGB, RGB32, RGB24, YUY2, YV12 and (in v2.60) Y8.
Default is "RGB"; note "RGB" and "RGB32" are equivalent arguments here.
YUV clips are full range (0-255), and so can be used as the mask argument to Overlay.

ShowRed(clip clip [, string pixel_type ] )
ShowGreen(clip clip [, string pixel_type ] )
ShowBlue(clip clip [, string pixel_type ] )

Returns the selected channel of an RGB32 or RGB24 clip as greyscale.

string  pixel_type = "RGB32"
Sets the color format of the output.
Allowed pixel_types are RGB, RGB32, RGB24, YUY2, YV12 and (in v2.60) Y8.
Default is "RGB"; note "RGB" and "RGB32" are equivalent arguments here.
For RGB32 output the selected channel is copied to all three color channels, but not to the Alpha channel, which is left untouched.
For YUV output the selected channel is copied to the Y (luma) channel, and the U and V (chroma) channels are set to grey (128).
YUV clips are full range (0-255), and so can be used as the mask argument to Overlay.

[edit] See Also

[edit] Examples

  • Shows alpha channel of clip
  • Swaps red and blue channels
MergeRGB( ShowBlue("YV12"), Last, ShowRed("YV12") )

[edit] Changelog

v2.60 Added pixel_type "Y8"
v2.56 Added ShowBlue, ShowGreen and ShowRed.
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